Friday, July 24, 2009

Neil Blomkamp & 'District 9'

I love movies. We do not get TV broadcasting of any type in my house (by choice), so get DVD's frmo Netflix and we 'rent' DVD's from the public library which has a large and always increasing catalogue of movie's and TV shows as well. I really love film. I love that it is a very complex form of communication. A director needs to be wary of the images and how things are filmed, of course, but also what music is used, what colors are used, how fast/slow the story proceeds. There is a lot to film, and teh more I watch the more I get into it. I say this because there is a movie coming out on August 14th that I am super-excited about, and the more I hear/read the more I want to see it.

District 9 is a movie written & directed by Neill Blomkamp who is the guy that almost made the Halo movie. I'm not giong to tell you what it's about. Just watch the trailers at Apple Trailers. Blomkamp has also directed some short films (District 9 is based on one of them). And that's why I posted, because I want to share a couple of them with you. I like Yellow more than Tempbot, but they're both pretty cool.

