Monday, November 10, 2008


I just got done reading Ted Dekker's new book Adam. I am quite sad about it. I'm not sad about the book itself, but sad that it's over…there's no more. It was that kind of book. I'm not going to give you a synopsis of the book. You can look that up yourself when you buy the book or get it from a library. I want to tell you what this book is about. It's about the journey of a man from a place where he believes only in psychology and the superiority of understanding the mind as the causation for all human behavior to a place where the supernatural made real. 

!!If you don't want to read any spoilers, then do not read any further!!


Daniel, the main character, after his death and resuscitation has continued bouts of crippling fear. They come to him even when he sleeps and he awakes screaming at the top of his lungs. He even begins to sleep with duct tape over his mouth so that when he awakes from these dreams his screams are muffled. Through the majority of the text as he chases the serial killer called Eve he believes that this affliction is merely due to some chemicals in his brain that are 'out of whack' (to use the technical term) after his near-death experience. Daniel also believes that religion is a product of the same psychological flaws that occur in the serial killer he chases. He believes all of this right up until he's possessed by an evil spirit. Read the book to find out what happens. You'll be glad you did.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nobody's perfect...

I was thinking about something that I wrote in a previous blog, the first one responding to Zeitgeist, and I think an interesting argument can be derived from something in it.

There are a few arguments from Perfection. One is the argument against the existence of God. It is roughly as follows:

1. God is perfect. (premise)
2. God deliberately created the universe. (premise)
3. Perfection entails the lack of needs or wants. (premise)
4. Being perfect, God does not now nor ever has nor ever will have any needs or wants. (from 1, 3)
5. Deliberate creation entails an effort to satisfy some need or want. (premise)
6. Being a creator, God at one time had some need or want. (from 2, 5)
7. It is impossible to have some need or want and also to never have any need or want.
8. Conclusion: God, if it exists, is either not perfect or has not created anything. (from 4, 6)(source:

Of course, the contentions with this argument are premise 3, and statement 4 from premise 3 &1. But that's not the point of this entry. Another argument from perfection is the argument for the existence of God(ironically). It is also called the argument from degrees. A rough representation is as follows:

1. Objects have properties to greater or lesser extents.
2. If an object has a property to a lesser extent, then there exists some other object that has the property to the maximum possible degree.
3. So there is an entity that has all properties to the maximum possible degree.
4. Hence God exists.(source: Wikipedia)

The atheists' contention here is claim 3. Just because there is a state of maximum degree, that does not imply that an object(God) exists to fit that state of maximum degree (i.e. perfection). I agree with the atheists' argument on this. My argument will use similar thoughts to this one, however it isn't an argument for God's existence. I previously wrote:

In the film, they say that...we can never achieve perfection. Why? Why can't we achieve perfection?? If it is inherent in that we cannot achieve perfection, then isn't it worth saying that this inability is part of a universal human nature, and that that nature is flawed? Maybe the filmmaker would respond that we don't need perfection or that perfection isn't natural. As long as a system or product or technology functions then it's good for us. Well, if there was a product, system, technology or ideology that worked/functioned better than the first one, wouldn't you want the one that worked better? Of course. Why? What is the ultimate conclusion to the pursuit of systems or products that work better than the predecessors? The ultimate conclusion is perfection. The perfect product or system, one that functions flawlessly. The admission that perfection cannot be reached is the admission that there are flaws. It is the admission that we are flawed, and if we are flawed then we, our own intellect, cannot be the solution to our grand problems.

Rather than discussing a perfect system or ideology, lets switch to moral perfection.
It is generally stated and agreed upon that 'nobody is perfect.' This is a moral statement that basically means that nobody does the right thing 100% of the time. What's interesting about this is that even moral relativists will admit that they are not perfect. So, even if your moral point-of-reference is a society or...yourself, you're still not perfect because you don't do what you think is the right thing to do, according to society/yourself, 100% of the time.

My argument is against the belief that humans are basically good in nature, and against the belief that we have no human nature, only human behavior that is predominantly based on environmental conditioning. (Peter Joseph, maker of the Zeitgeist films).

If everyone is willing to admit that nobody is perfect I don't see how anyone can believe that humans are basically good. A response might be, "Well, we don't need to be morally perfect to be good." Really? Are you sure? If someone habitually does bad things but they occasionally do something good, then they are generally described as a "bad person," morally speaking. If a guy is a serial rapist, but he helps old ladies across the street and takes care of his family of four...dude, needs to be castrated and sent to prison because he's bad. To look at it in reverse; if someone habitually does good things, but on occasion does a nominally bad thing here or there, he would generally be described as a "good person," morally speaking. If I take care of my family and pay my bills, etc., but I lie on occasion on my tax return, and I've stolen one or two candy bars recently, then I'm a-ok.

However, is the person that steals a candy bar not just as much a law-breaker as the person that rapes women? The crimes might not be equal in degree, nonetheless both people have broken the law. Both have disobeyed the standard of behavior previously set. Both are guilty. Both are deserving of the appropriate consequences for their transgressions, no matter the degree. So, is the candy bar-stealer better than the rapist? It's an irrelevant question. The question to ask is; "Is the candy-stealer good?" NOT, "Is he good compared to the rapist?"...But, "Is he good?" The answer is, no. He wasn't able to adhere to the law, to the behavioral/moral standard. So, no, he cannot be defined as good. Therefore,...

  • A state of moral perfection exists, even if no entity occupies such a state.
  • Moral perfection is required for a person to be considered "good."
  • Regardless of what moral standard a person recognizes, nobody fills this state of moral perfection.
  • Ergo, nobody is good. There IS a human nature, and it is that we are all bad. We are all flawed. We are all screwed up.

Some would admonish me for such "negativity." First, so what if it's negative?? It's TRUE...objectively. The fact that we all die is "negative." Nonetheless, it is true. Is that reason to disregard it? I should hope not. Secondly, it is not so negative in light of the salvation of Jesus. "Oh crap, here comes the religious brouhaha." No, no, comes the Truth. (Jesus said "I am the Way the TRUTH and the Life...") Yes, you and every other human are totally, completely and tragically're bad...evil. It is indeed something to think about, something to mourn about, something to cry and toil over...for a while. To dwell on your own sin nature is to give it that much more power in your life. And THAT is what this is about...YOUR LIFE. Instead, how about realizing that being depraved, we have a need. We need need help. We cannot be good...not out of mere lack of desire to be good, but out of lacking the ability to desire that which is good 100% of the time. And because we are sinful we deserve the proper consequences. The wages of sin is death. We deserve it. But God is merciful and gracious. He sent Jesus to take our punishment. He was crushed for our iniquities...It pleased the Lord to crush Him. Read Isaiah it doesn't refer to Israel! In v.9 it talks about the Servant suffering for "My people"...My people...God's people is Israel. How can Israel suffer for Israel? Christ suffered and died for us. For you, because we're not good. We can't be. But He loves us and wants us to not just know of Him (even the demons believe and shudder), but also know Him and be with Him for eternity.

Believe in what is true, because it is true. It will give you far more joy and far more freedom than believing only in that which is "positive" can EVER give!

Now to the other, slightly less philosophical part of the argument: Peter Joseph claims that a person's beliefs, desires, and basically the way he/she is, is predominantly determined by one's environmental conditioning. This claim is based on evolutionary theory in that the way natural selection works is that the organisms in a population of a species that are better suited for a particular environment are the ones that survive and pass on their genetic traits, whereas the ill-suited die and their ill-suited genetic traits die with them. The reason that the ill-suited die and the "fittest" survive is because there is only so much food/resources for a population in a given environment. So, evolution relies not only on genetics and genetic change, but also scarcity. And this is Joseph's claim. We have evolved over millions of years and through evolution have been conditioned in an environment of scarcity and this is why humans kill one another, steal from one another, covet another person's possessions, etc. Our desires, beliefs, culture, customs, sense of humor, it is all due predominantly to environmental conditioning.

I think this hypothesis greatly dehumanizes humans. If one posits that the environment is what predominantly determines our beliefs/desires, then he must submit to his own claim, and therefore believe that his own environment is what has determined his beliefs/desires. Yet, if we live in the same environment as one who has deviated from the environmental conditioning, then how is it that the deviant's beliefs/desires are different? Is there something in him that allows him to overcome his environment, and if so is that something that is special to him alone or is it inherent in all humanity? Is there something in him that allows him to see the truth of the situation while everyone else lives in a delusional state? It must be special to him, because if this ability to deviate from one's conditioning is inherent in all humanity then surely our beliefs and desires are not predominantly determined by the environment but we are able to 'grow out of' our environmental conditioning and make decisions and have beliefs of our choosing separate from the influences of initial conditioning. The mere fact that Joseph wants to convince others of this "truth" works against him. If people are able to turn from their conditioning as they are given more information or as they mature, etc., then how do you know that what that person previously believed wasn't also a result of that person turning away from his environmental conditioning? Also, how is him convincing others to believe this not conditioning? One's environment is defined simply by the people that surround him and communicate to him. Since, Joseph as he communicates with people is then a part of that person's environment any change of belief or desire that that person would undergo would then be a result of environmental conditioning would it not?

Man was not meant to be alone. We are to be in community and to bounce ideas off each other for the purpose of finding truth and to discuss even argue about beliefs and faith. Is this conditioning or is it iron sharpening iron? Mind sharpening mind? That truth of the matter is our minds are our own. In a mostly positivist society it is believed that the mind is what controls a human...mind over matter. I disagree. It is our hearts that dominate, and our hearts are dark. As previously discussed, no matter what you might want to do (in your mind) like wanting to be good, your heart won't allow it. So, it doesn't matter if our minds are our own because our hearts are dark, and our hearts reign. That's why we have a need for the Light.

Further Response to Zeitgeist: Addendum

(I edited this post to remove some of the videos, b/c (a)they'd bog down my computer and (b)they weren't all that great.)

This a great article that reveals some interesting things about what is talked about in Zeitgeist: Addendum.

especially check out the video towards the ending of the article.

Alex Jones' radio show; review of the film. You need to watch these even if you won't agree with everthing he says. Also, he's kinda nuts...just so you know.

This is the beginning of an interview with Peter Joseph(maker of the film) and I think these parts are much better than the can find the rest of the interview on youtube, but the rest isn't as good b/c Jones starts getting irate and talking over Joseph.

Part 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4 (man, Jones goes OFF in this one)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Zeitgeist: Addendum + Commentary

It is so easy to get sucked into believing lies...especially when the lies are mixed with truth and then packaged in an artsy, very well directed film such as Zeitgeist: Addendum.  I'm going to point out something that I believe is truth, and then (hopefully) apply it later on.

Rape is a horrendous crime.  It is something that is horrible to society and punishable by society's laws.  It is not, however, caused by one's environment or by the offering of pornography.  Although these things are catalysts in the culmination of the crime, they are not the cause.  The cause is lust.  And lust is not punishable by law.  It is not a crime.   But it is a sin.  And as long as humans are sinful beings, then no amount of structure or interconnectivity or technology can being about a peaceful world.  This is a small example of why I think the latter half of this video is, as Harry G. Frankfurt would put it, bull$#!+.

Watch the film, and then check out the commentary below.

(this commentary is kind of rough, so I might edit it in the future)
Ok, so there's a problem.  We're basically being enslaved by those in power.  Not those in the government, but those who are really in power, the ones that control the money. I think this first part of the film is true.  Just look around and observe the world around you.  These things are obviously true in my opinion.  We're being controlled.  So, what is the proposed solution?  I was definitely surprised to learn that technology and human ingenuity are our saviors.

We need to work in order to make money.  We need money in order to buy the things we need to survive; food, shelter, water, and clothing (and entertainment of course).  It is proposed that if the monetary system currently in place is usurped by a single global resource/technology based economy, then we will no longer need to burden ourselves with the slavery that is work.  Technology is to a place where it can take the place of human labor.   We don't need industrial fuels for energy.  We can use wind, solar, wave, tidal, and geothermal energy to power the entire world infinitely.  We can use electric cars for short-distance travelling and Maglev trains for long-distance travelling. Sounds kind of good, huh?

The lie that is perpetuated in the film is the lie that humans are basically good.  That it is possible, if we choose to be intelligent about these issues, then we can be totally free and live in peace.  It is touted that the prison population is so high because of environmental conditioning; because we are conditioned to need money and material things.  The lie is that there is no human nature, there is only human behavior.  The lie is that we can all be free if we work together with technology.

The ideas put forth in the latter part of Zeitgeist: Addendum are extremely humanist.  We are the solution to our problems.  We can free ourselves.  Intelligence and utilization of the intellect is what gives us value now.  Another idea posited is that we are all one.  God is connectivity to one another and love is extensionality.  We are all everything, and we are all the same.  You are the teacher and you are the pupil.  You are everything.   We are one.  And our divinity is in our power to create.  And the solution to our slavery to work and to money and to authority is that we must embrace ourselves we must depend on ourselves.  We must embrace our creativity and our connectivity.  We must take care of the whole community, including plants and animals.  That is what will bring us joy.  We must be open to all ideas and information even if it challenges our ideologies and beliefs, and hence out being.  Being proven wrong should not be seen as failure but celebrated because information and awareness are increased.   Our divinity is in our power to create.  Our divinity is in our intellect and the technology it spawns.

"...Our loyalties are to the species and to the planet.  Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring."
--Carl Sagan(quoted in the film)

Are you kidding me?  You must be joking.  It is a sad sad joke isn't it?  What alternate existence do you live in?  You act as if before the central bank(the Federal Reserve) and before the monetary system and before the Roman empire, we were all a-ok.   Greed, money, and religion have destroyed us all?  We were never, we have never been ok.  We have never lived in peace.  We are eternally flawed and history shows it.  Greed, monetary systems, and people controlling others using religion are symptoms of the greater disease!  It is ridiculous that the flaws of the past are brushed off as a lacking in intellect & technology.   Are you nuts?  Wake up!  Stop smoking whatever it is you're smoking.  It is stated that everything, if left to itself, undergoes fluid perpetual change.  Humans have not changed.  We have continuously been a greedy, lustful, murderous, self-centered, lying, and cheating entity.

Haven't you watched 'Demolition Man?'  You can't please everyone.  All people do not think the same way.  So, sooner or later in this proposed humanist-Utopian world you are either going to have to suppress certain people or kill them off.

Something else worth pointing out.  In the film, they say that this type of global society has never been tried before, and that it probably isn't perfect, and that we can never achieve perfection.  Why?  Why can't we achieve perfection??  If it is inherent in that we cannot achieve perfection, then isn't it worth saying that this inability is part of a universal human nature, and that that nature is flawed?  Maybe the filmmaker would respond that we don't need perfection or that perfection isn't natural.  As long as a system or product or technology functions then it's good for us.  Well, if there was a product, system, technology or ideology that worked/functioned better than the first one, wouldn't you want the one that worked better?  Of course.  Why?  What is the ultimate conclusion to the pursuit of systems or products that work better than the predecessors?  The ultimate conclusion is perfection.  The perfect product or system, one that functions flawlessly.   The admission that perfection cannot be reached is the admission that there are flaws. It is the admission that we are flawed, and if we are flawed then we, our own intellect, cannot be the solution to our grand problems.

If the ultimate problem is that man is sinful and has the propensity to lust after that which he does not have and lust after power over it, then it is impossible to blame man's circumstance for his actions.  You must blame man.   And if man cannot be his own solution, then what is?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ron Paul at the Rally for the Republic

It's it anyway. Ron Paul doesn't actually get up to the podium until 15 minutes into it. Barry Goldwater Jr. introduces him.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Being a Raiders Fan

It is absolutely torture.  Excruciating torture.   You see your team make some really great strides, and then what happens?  The owner who is an old, senile, clueless, old, constipated, evil-incarnate, old (did i mention he's old and senile) goes and ruins everything all the players and coaches have worked for.

Last season Lane Kiffin is hired.  It seems weird, he's really young and pretty much has no experience in the NFL.  As the season moves forward and I hear what he says in press conferences I realize that Kiffin is a stand-up guy who is honest with the fans and the players.  He seems like a great leader of men, which is, above all else, what a football coach needs to be in my opinion.  The players like him, they play hard for him despite losing games.  They are IN.  They are drinking Kiffin's Kool-Aid.  Season ends, and we still have a losing record, but the team is noticeably different.  The mentality of the players seems different.  Positivity is in the air for once.

Then, uh oh, Lane wants to fire the defensive coordinator and Rob Ryan is ok with that.  He wants to go to the Jets.   But wait, Al Davis likes Rob because Rob lets Davis control the defense behind the curtain, and now Lane not only does not get to fire Ryan but he's on Davis' bad side.

Skipping a TON of media speculation and turmoil and a Raider official threatening to beat up a reporter (and getting caught on video doing so), and here we are.  Lane Kiffin, the one head coach since Gruden was traded who was taking the Raiders in a positive direction, and who would have been able to work faster if Davis has let him do what he wanted to do with personnel, is now fired.  Not just fired, but Davis isn't going to pay out Kiffin's contract either.  Al Davis, he's a classy guy.  Whoever replaces Kiffin (the rumor is offensive line coach Tom Cable) I'm willing to bet they won't have the job more than two years...if they're lucky.

Al Davis is a pox on this team, and it's really sad, because everyone can agree that the NFL is just more fun when the Raiders are competitive.   Davis won't let it happen.   And it doesn't matter that we consistently get top draft picks, because Davis controls who we draft too!  Granted, I'm glad we have Russell and McFadden and Michael Bush, i think they could be the future of the franchise, but we've had far more busts than successful draft picks.

Al...let the team go.  For the fans, just let it go.'s like talking to a wall.  An OLD wall.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I lost 50 pounds and I eat whatever i want!!

Well, I lost the weight b/c I shaved all of my hair off. Here are some photos that chronicle the transformation.Here's a pic that shows what it looked like before(I didn't take a 'before' pic the night i cut it)

After a bit of cutting.  Mohawk, wooooooo

A little bit more...

After it's all come off...

Then I trimmed the ol' beard so I don't look too much like a bum  (Dude, my nose looks BIG)

And that, my friends, is how I lost 50 pounds without diet and exercise.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Amateur

This is awesome

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Music I've been Diggin'

haven't posted a non-serious post in a while. Here's some music i've been listening to lately.

First the downer...this song is as depressing as it is beautiful

Now for the uppers...


Midnight Juggernauts

Living Sacrifice are back together and making another album!! wooooo!

Zao...this video is kinda dumb, but the song is good

much better video

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Entertain Me Now! I Don’t Care How!

For those not 'in the know' as far as pro football goes, a former New England Patriots employee has come out of hiding (i.e. playing golf in Hawaii) to say that he has info about what the Patriots have done in the past (as far back as 2000) as far as videotaping defensive signals and using them to win games, and that Head Coach Bill Belichick's previous claim that he "misinterpreted the rule" is completely false. When Walsh met with NFL commissioner Goodell, Goodell gave a statement that pretty much said, "This guy didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I'm not going to punish the Patriots any further than I already have. Everything is A-OK." However, when Walsh met with PA Senator Arlen Specter, Specter wanted an investigation into the matter and released a rather large statement on what he learned from Walsh. Now, I admit there are some things in the statement that seem kind of overkill. For example, the claim that the Patriots filmed offensive signals….what offensive signals? Maybe they are referring to offensive formations, I don't know, but that part doesn't make sense.

My point in all this, however, is not about the Patriots or Matt Walsh at all. It's about the flippant attitude of the general public that I am seeing in the comments on various NFL news websites. Everyone says, "This is stupid, can we just get this behind us, all teams cheat, Specter's just mad because New England beat the Eagles in the superbowl, Specter is doing this because he gets money from Comcast and Comcast doesn't like the NFL/NFL Network, this is conspiracy theory, nothing wrong was done, etc. etc."

If everyone cheats, that's not grounds for not punishing the Patriots, it's grounds for punishing/penalizing everyone that cheats! Why does no one care that the games being enjoyed are not genuinely competitive? Because we all just want to be entertained. Who cares if the wins are legit? Why do we have to listen to all this serious stuff? I just want to watch football, even if all the teams cheat to get ahead. Some people would say that since all the teams cheat (which I don't think is true by the way) that no one actually gets an upper hand by cheating and so should not be punished. That's the most inane, ridiculous thing ever. You don't punish the team because they gain an upper hand by cheating! You punish the team because they cheated regardless of the result of said cheating! If a group of students cheat on an exam, but only one actually gets an A, you don't punish that one student because he got an A and the others who cheated didn't. You punish all of those who cheated…because they cheated. OH, but punishing the Patriots or Belichick would disrupt our entertainment, we'd rather watch a good cheating team than some teams that genuinely want to compete…well, boo hoo for you.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What Are You Committed To? The Means or the End?


This is, in it's simplest form, the scientific method. Scientific Method. A method is a way to do something or a way of going about doing something. What are we doing in science by using the scientific method? We are exploring and finding truth. Finding truth about how things in this existence work. How things really are; that is our main concern in science. So, how did things get so inverted and distorted so that rather than truth our goal towards which we strive is not the purpose of the method; truth, but is the method itself. Several New Atheists (R. Dawkins for example) will talk about our commitment to methodological naturalism. Why? Why does this commitment exist? From what evidence of the truth of physicalism and naturalism, does this commitment to the scientific method as a means to discover all truth come? None. There is none. We have chosen to vacuously commit ourselves, as a culture, to the means rather than the end that the means exists for! Why don't we as a culture strive for truth? And if we find that there could exist things in this world that are outside the physical, that there could be things that analysis of the physical and the scientific method cannot explain, then why should we be so closed off to that possibility? What a dead world this is, if all our emotions: happiness, sadness, excitement, disappointment, joy, surprise, and all social interaction are nothing but molecular interactions in our brain.

If all the glory of our humanity and our being is to be found in these chemical reactions occurring inside of us, then what is there to worship but ourselves? (everyone worships something/someone...different argument for a different day) Truly, the reason we, as a culture, are in love with and commit to methodological naturalism, and the means rather than the end is because it gives us a reason to worship ourselves...because if we didn't adhere to these things, then their surely wouldn't be a reason to put ourselves high up on a pedestal, and since we worship ourselves anyway, regardless...we might as well falsely justify it by rationalizing it with a false assumption, right?

Harry G. Frankfurt effectively defines bullshit as; the disregard for truth. I leave you with a quote from his book called On Bullshit:

It is Just this lack of connection to a concern with truth -- this indifference to how things really are -- that I regard as the essence of bullshit...

The contemporary proliferation of bullshit also has deeper sources, in various forms of skepticism which deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing how things truly are. These "anti-realist" doctrines undermine confidence in the value of disinterested efforts to determine what is true and what is false, and even in the intelligibility of the notion of objective inquiry. One response to this loss of confidence has been a retreat from the discipline required by dedication to the ideal of correctness to a quite different sort of discipline, which is imposed by pursuit of an alternative ideal of sincerity. Rather than seeking primarily to arrive at accurate representations of a common world, the individual turns toward trying to provide honest representations of himself. Convinced that reality has no inherent nature, which he might hope to identify as the truth about things, he devotes himself to being true to his own nature. It is as though he decides that since it makes no sense to try to be true to the facts, he must therefore try instead to be true to himself.

But it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect descriptions, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake. As conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them. Moreover, there is nothing in theory, and certainly nothing in experience, to support the extraordinary judgment that it is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know. Facts about ourselves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution. Our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstantial -- notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things. And insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jude Michael

Here's my boy! Born 2/21/08

Jude 1:24-25 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Damon Albarn, Kano and Scratch Africa Express

This is some of the coolest music I've ever heard.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Assimilation of Positivism & Scientism into Christianity

"It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own defeats. Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid. When faith is completely replaced by creed, worship by discipline love by habit; when the crisis of today is ignored because of the splendor of the past; when faith becomes an heirloom rather than a living fountain; when religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion, its message becomes meaningless."

--Abraham J. Heschel


We have succumbed to the modern cultural need for 'factual' or 'scientific/empirical' evidence in order to believe something is true. Because the world rejects mystery, we have begun to reject mystery. Positivism has contaminated the minds of the church. We have seemingly accepted old adage, "If you can't beat'em, join'em." What are we thinking?

Debates are held. Great meetings of great minds. They are on TV, radio, and on the internet in a multitude of forms. Debates seem to me pointless unless someone is going to be convinced that they are wrong. In this day and age that doesn't really happen albeit extremely rarely. Intellectual ejaculation. That is what these debates and arguments are. We see a person on TV arguing for what we believe is true, and when we see this person make a great point we are thrilled and very pleased…not with them, but with ourselves. And when we see the opponent make a point then we feel defeated and are saddened. Why?? If what we believe is true and we believe it, not based on measureable quantities or well-reasoned conjectures, but based on the living Spirit of God…then why are we swayed emotionally to and fro by arguments and debates?

It is because we have begun to be assimilated into the culture of positivism. A place where what we know and how we know it and what we can use this knowledge to get is all that matters. What we believe is meaningless. Mystery is worthless.

"The Greeks learned in order to comprehend. The Hebrews learned in order to revere. The modern man learns in order to use. To Bacon we owe the formulation, "Knowledge is power." This is how people are urged to study: knowledge means success. We do not know any more how to justify any value except in terms of expediency. Man is willing to define himself as "a seeker after the maximum degree of comfort for the minimal expenditure of energy." He equates value with that which avails. He feels, acts, and thinks as if the sole purpose of the universe were to satisfy his needs. To the modern man everything seems calculable; everything reducible to a figure. He has supreme faith in statistics and abhors the idea of a mystery. Obstinately he ignores the fact that we are all surrounded by things which we apprehend but cannot comprehend; that even reason is a mystery to itself. He is sure of his ability to explain all mystery away. Only a generation ago he was convinced that science was on the way to solve all the enigmas of the world…The awareness of grandeur and the sublime is all but gone from the world."

-- Abraham J. Heschel

We need to stop trying to convince everyone that we can think like they think and that it is reasonable to believe what we believe. We need to stop reacting to this world's distorted priorities and instead respond and act upon God's priorities for us as His created masterpiece.

Don't ask me how to even begin to do this…I am one of those who has, in the past, exchanged the grandeur and mystery for a good article on creationism or a debate DVD. It's a good thing God exists to whip my @$$ back in shape. ;)